Products and Services


Comact, High-Precision Digital Compass

The LSM303DLH is a system-in-package featuring a 3D digital linear acceleration sensor and a 3D digital magnetic sensor. The various sensing elements are manufactured using specialized micromachining processes, while the IC interfaces are realized using a CMOS technology that allows the design of a dedicated circuit which is trimmed to better match the sensing element characteristics.

BB712AD3 C97D 4103 AAFB 37F58342CB50

New 1 mm-High Leadless SMD Package

The devices are N-channel MDmesh™ V Power MOSFET based on an innovative proprietary vertical process technology, which is combined with STMicroelectronics’ well-known PowerMESH™ horizontal layout structure.

39734347 A012 40D3 AC92 DD104EEBB97A